This is The Trip Your Zodiac Sign is Urging You to Take
#5 – GEMINI (May 21 – Jun 20)
New York City
You hate routine. It kills you. You’re not the person to stay in one place. You are too curious to sit home and watch TV programs about the most beautiful destinations in the world. You have no patience for that. Whenever you have the chance to pick your baggage and leave, you do it without thinking about it twice. That’s who you are Gemini. This is your personality you love to get lost in the middle of nowhere.
In addition, you are always holding the attitude that there is always not enough time for you to see everything. Therefore, your match is definitely New York City. It’s like an urban jungle in which you can find everything you are looking for.
Practice what you love. Make new acquaintances and most importantly give yourself the opportunity to discover and to learn. You can guide your passion because the stars are watching over you.