5 Things You Need to Avoid Touching at a Hotel Room

It may seem hard to believe but a typical hotel room is dirtier than an average home, school, or plane, according to a recent study exposing hotel hygiene. Some unexpected items, in particular, are often overlooked by the cleaning stuff due to quick room turnarounds.

The study and laboratory testing revealed the highest bacteria-filled items found in a hotel room, while an ABC News investigation uncovered hotel drinking glasses were so dirty they could put your health at risk.

Don’t be fooled with a seemingly clean room, even the fanciest and most attractive hotel rooms have lurking germs. Some of the most commonly touched items were found contaminated with harmful bacteria.

So remember to properly inspect your room and bring your own disinfectant wipes.

5 Things You Need to Avoid Touching at a Hotel Room© travelingpaths.com

And no matter what you did, do not touch these
5 things in your hotel room


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